VIDEO: How I Paint Skies in Watercolor

One of the pieces I recently made for the Gallery Nucleus SALUT! 4 coaster show featured some good sky action so I decided to film it as skies were a big request for walkthrough videos.  I hope you enjoy! 


Surface: Art board coaster with one coat Daniel Smith Titanium White watercolor ground and one topcoat of QoR watercolor ground (the regular variety) 

Paint: Daniel Smith Carbazole Violet,  Daniel Smith Prussian Blue,  Daniel Smith Opera, Grumbacher Thalo Blue. 

Brushes:  Various synthetic brushes including dull, 20/0 Princeton Spotterbrushes, and Winsor and Newton synthetic Sable 000 Sceptre Gold II Sakura Waterbrush


VIDEO: 2019 End-of-Year Review


What I Learned from My 2019 30 Day Drawing Challenge