Donne Toi la Lune is my new narrative project built on a lifetime of existing inspirations and myths within my universe. The lore unfolds through drawn and painted screenshots of a video game from another reality.
It follows my beloved Ochre Queen and Huntsmink as they traverse an oneiric world of loss, desire, and false gods trying to understand their memories of one another which have become little more than forgotten dreams and nightmares.
'Memories seem to wail at you from beneath the deadfall of the forest with each step you take. Old echoes of a life you can’t recall, yet long to remember. A golden glow in the distance makes you uneasy. You haven’t truly forgotten, have you? You’re haunted by a familiar light'
'In the dilapidated ruins of the castle garden, you find the graves. Gilded hands of a saintly corpse float in quiet beckoning above the shrine, inviting you in. Your heart drops as you take a step toward the shadows. You’re not alone. You sense someone long forgotten.'
'In the light of the yellow meadow, static stirred a memory. Golden tears fell as the scales broke apart leaving you alone and wondering if anyone had ever been there at all' If you find yourself exploring the Castle Tree Forest later in the game, you will come upon a sad spirit who leaves you to ponder the questions that have been haunting you throughout your journey, 'What happens when you create a god? What about when you kill one?'
An atmospheric study of part of the 'Castle-Tree Forest' A place where the trees naturally grow in structural shapes. Some wonder if they're mimicking the structures of another world only they can see. It wouldn't be the first time the nature of this world chose to do so. Some of the very largest of these trees form the Ochre Queen's castle, though here we only see the forest's outer edges, just before the trees stop growing like buildings and start being sensible again.
'Those long gone from this world used to worry over this forest, searching for the faces of friends and enemies in dreadful eagerness. Mourning cries mixed with chants of conquest still whisper through the wind here’ More world exploration for my fake video game Donne Toi la Lune. I’ve painted parts of the old castle graveyard with its carved death masks before, but this area exists outside of that, deep within the Castle-Tree Forest. The rocks here are strange, echoing the death masks from the castle graveyard. It’s said that before the death masks were being carved, the faces of those soon to die would grow on the stones here before they passed. Whether that’s truth or a legend that died out along with the faces of those on the rocks is unknown. Perhaps it’s merely another burial site. If you dig deep enough, would you find bodies here?
You’ve Surrendered to the Nightmare. So you’ve given yourself over to that bitter sleep? Though the way is bloody and the wounds still haunt you, you may pull from the source of your muse and return to the path where your body now lies without a soul to guide it. ---- Death screen for the Huntsmink
You’ve Succumbed to the Dream. If you’ve met with an untimely end, you can call upon your sacred muse and you may return to the path from whence you were vanquished. But be warned, my dear, you may yet be haunted by that which drove you so deep into the sleep. ——— Death screen for the Ochre Queen
'As I have blinded those that loved me, I myself have become blind to the dangers of being so loved.'
You can't run from this. You're losing signal
I’ve been exploring how the normally anthropomorphic characters might shift into a wilder form as a way to heal themselves (be it mentally or physically) Playing with ideas through these small drawings has not only been incredibly fun, but it helps me process ideas in the slow way I need to.
I love imagining the anthropomorphic protagonists of this story suddenly tossing their clothes aside to run on all fours. It seems so healing and freeing for them. Something they dearly need in the often miserable tale of their lives.