What a Week in My Career Consists Of in 2019
Hello Moonbeams,
My month so far has been all about getting back on track and planning how to arrange my time with all the new things I have added or am adding to my daily routine so I thought I would go over that with you as well!
The Workday
An average workday for me generally consists of waking up, getting ready for the day (I cannot do pajamas all day for some reason, I have to get into my “workplace” mindset) cleaning a bit, as I really need a clean space to focus, and drinking a liter of water with lemon or apple cider vinegar. Usually I then eat and get into answering emails, social media comments, etc. Depending on the day, I will sometimes jump right into painting for 3-5 hours (though some days I like to go for 10+ if I have the time) or sometimes I like to do the “dull” work first such as errands, printing and packaging and save painting for the evening as that is my most focused time of day and thus the best for long, detailed working hours. Some days I will also of course devote a large amount of time to working on Patreon videos, articles, etc.
These days with my schedule, I try to be intuitive as I know I will make better work if I go with the flow of my Muse to some extent. However, I cannot always go with the whims of my Muse. A certain element of organization absolutely must be there which is why I do try to keep up with using a schedule book as it helps me not to get so sidetracked.
10x10 booth at Oddities and Curiosities Expo in Denver last October
Adding more events to my year has meant the use of tons of extra time as well. There is the travel, which can be anywhere from 3-6 days away depending on the event, and the massive amount of printing which usually takes a few days to a week to complete, not to mention the tax documents unique for each state’s event location, miscellaneous prepping, organizing and packing that goes into each event. Ideally, these are things I would like to get taken care of right after each event ends so that I am always prepared but I admittedly put them off sometimes.
I find that having deadlines is a huge help to me. Not only monthly or weekly deadlines but daily ones as well. Aligning my schedule somewhat with my wife’s work schedule for instance, has been a really good way to keep me on track.
The last few months I have been putting a conscious effort to better balance my work and health. I would love to get to a point of working around 8-10 hours most days and not more (aside from when I go overtime on painting because I want to, or if I am just hanging out sketching) I realized that I needed to make off time more of a priority because there are other people and creatures in my life who need my time as well. Having those things in mind has made me really think of making the most of my working hours.
Taking the time to appreciate the things around me also helps me relax when things get busy. This amazing view right outside the window of the place I stayed in New Mexico for Oddities and Curiosities Expo last month made me feel more like I was on a vacation!
For me, I really have to structure myself or I go all over the place. But leaving room for some freedom is very important too which is why I highly encourage leaving yourself some time at the end or beginning of the day that is meant to be time off (and stick to it) as well as taking planned days off!
We recently decided to add another member to our little family and we are adopting a rescue dog! Knowing that another creature is counting on me to give them exercise and enrichment, will get me out and exercising without being able to make excuses. Health is very important to me being that I have had some chronic issues for much of my life which have only ever gotten better with diet and exercise so being lazy with those aspects of my life is always a guarantee that my mental and physical health will suffer greatly.
Seriously, take care of yourselves! It does not make you lazy if you sleep more, eat better, and take breaks to exercise or rest, it makes you intelligent and, when used well, more productive. I used to neglect my health so much because I thought I was being “weak” by minding it. Ridiculous.
Be well~